(317) 460-2276

Action Regulation

There’s a lot more happening inside your piano’s action than you might think.  There are thousands of small moving parts inside a piano, mostly made of natural materials like wood, felt, and leather.  Over time, the felts and leathers become worn and compressed, wooden parts gradually drift out of position, and your piano slowly becomes less responsive, harder to play, and more difficult to control.

Fortunately, a piano is designed to be adjusted to compensate for these changes.  The process of getting all of these small action parts recalibrated and properly adjusted is called Action Regulation.  Action Regulation helps your piano keyboard feel crisp, responsive, and easy to control.

Action Regulation corrects:

  • Sluggish, unresponsive keyboard
  • Poor repetition
  • Notes that “skip” or don’t play properly
  • A keyboard that feels hard to control

Piano Care Tip

Proper piano playing technique depends on a well regulated piano action. If you’re struggling with your playing technique, it might be your piano’s fault!

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